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An abstract painting has the ability to be so intimate that it can simultaneously take you deep inside yourself and so far out of yourself into the cosmic wonder that you are left, both breathless and breathing in, the beauty of creation.


36 x 26 inches 

Acrylic, gold and copper leaf on Canvas

line dancing 24X24.jpeg

24 x 24 inches

Acrylic on Canvas

road trip 18x18.jpeg

Road Trip

18 x 18 inches 

Acrylic on Canvas

joyfulspirits 48X72.jpg

Joyful Spirits

48 x 72 inches 

Acrylic on Canvas

dancing like laughter 24x36.jpeg

24x 36 inches 

Acrylic on Canvas

always deviate when possible 30X24.jpeg

30 x 24 inches 

Acrylic on Canvas

soaring 36X36.jpg

Acrylic on Canvas

leaving friday night 24X30.jpeg

Acrylic on Canvas

horizon 22X28 (1).jpeg

Acrylic on Canvas


More than a destination, Granville Island is an urban haven spilling over with fine restaurants, theatres, galleries, artist studios and all things fresh.

Join Skai at Studio 13 and journey into the artistic relam. 

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